Factors That Affect Blood Pressure

Factors That Affect Blood Pressure

In most cases, changes in blood pressure, particularly prolonged increases in blood pressure are caused by different factors that can range from diet and physical activity to underlying health conditions or pre-existing medical conditions. Understanding the factors that affect blood pressure can help you prevent your risks of high blood pressure or notice instances where … Read more

How Do You Feel When Your Blood Pressure is High?

How do you feel when your blood pressure is high?

High blood pressure is a public health concern globally because it affects millions of people and a lot of people can live with hypertension for months or years unknowingly. It’s often referred to as the “silent killer” because it can go unnoticed for years without any visible symptoms. Just because it may not always have … Read more

List of Complementary Foods for Infants

List of Complementary Foods for Infants

Introducing solid foods to an infant’s diet is a significant transition in their development. It is a step towards building healthy eating habits and providing the necessary nutrients to support their growth and development. While breast milk or formula is recommended for the first six months of life, the introduction of complementary foods is necessary … Read more

Why Complementary Feeding At 6 Months?

Why Complementary Feeding At 6 Months?

Complementary feeding is a crucial stage in a baby’s development that involves introducing solid foods to supplement the nutritional needs of breast milk or formula. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), complementary feeding should begin at six months while continuing to breastfeed for up to two years or beyond. The introduction of solid foods … Read more